Legacy Circle

Meet Professor Lynn Cominsky

Educator Leaves Legacy that Supports APS

Lynn CominskySince joining APS in 1977, Professor Lynn Cominsky has greatly expanded her professional interests by joining many different units as her career evolved.

A professor in the department of physics and astronomy at Sonoma State University and as director of EdEon STEM Learning, she has served on the DAP Executive Committee and helped organize sessions at a few April meetings. She also served in the chair line for the Far West Section, which continues to offer “amazing conferences that empower undergraduate researchers to learn about and join the professional community of physicists,” Cominsky said.

“In order to recognize APS for the many opportunities it has provided to me and my students, I have written a donation to APS into my trust. The intention is to continue supporting these and many other similar activities, and I trust APS to use my donated funds wisely,” Lynn said.

For information about how you can support the activities of APS or how to join the Legacy Circle, please contact Kevin Kase at 301-209-3224 or development@aps.org.